Children or guns gun violence prevention rally

We're proud to have the longest legacy of progress in the movement against gun violence.

Children or guns gun violence prevention rally

Our work is saving lives each and every day.



Keeping Kids Safer at Home


About 4.6M children live in homes with an unsecured firearm, contributing to tragedies. But gun-owning parents who see our End Family Fire ads are over 5x more likely to seek information about safe storage.


Taking Down the NRA


We mobilized Americans to take down the NRA, helping drive the organization into bankruptcy. Our efforts helped reduce the NRA to a $36.3 million net deficit in 2018 from a $27.8M surplus in 2015. We also helped oust longtime CEO Wayne LaPierre and forced both him and the NRA into a federal corruption trial.


Passing Meaningful Gun Laws Across the Country


We've helped pass about 600 significant gun safety laws in the decade since Sandy Hook. These laws save countless lives each and every day. Research shows states with strong laws suffer lower rates of gun violence than states with weak laws.

Taking the Gun Industry to Court


We’ve won over $70 million in judgements on behalf of victims and survivors of gun violence. We're holding irresponsible gun companies accountable and securing justice and reforms to prevent gun violence.

Bringing More Americans Than Ever Into the Movement Against Gun Violence


We're changing hearts and minds to create a safer America. Today, an overwhelming 60% of Americans think preventing gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights. That's the highest in 10 years and includes 4 in 10 gun owners.


Encouraging Parents to Ask About Unlocked Guns in the Home


The Government Accounting Office (GAO) named Brady’s ASKing Saves Kids (ASK) campaign, a part of our End Family Fire program, as the most effective national safe firearm storage program in the country. After receiving education about ASK, 85% of caregivers felt comfortable asking about guns in people’s homes. The GAO analysis included the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program and the NSSF's Project ChildSafe.


Preventing Guns From Being Sold to Those Who Intend to Cause Harm


We're proud to have the legacy of winning the landmark Brady Bill, which established our nation’s background check system on gun sales. To date, this legislation has blocked almost 4.9 million prohibited gun sales, saving countless lives each and every day.


Creating Greater Transparency Around the Gun Industry


We’ve exposed over 3,400 never-before-released federal records that identify gun stores cited for breaking the law. Our Gun Store Transparency Project stops the American public from being kept in the dark about businesses that contribute to gun violence in their communities. Browse these records — the most comprehensive ever made available — and find cited violations among gun stores in your community and across the country.

Visit the Gun Store Transparency Project

Expanding Brady Background Checks


In 2023, Brady passed legislation to expand background checks in Minnesota and Michigan, bringing the total number of states with expanded Brady Background Checks to 22 and the District of Columbia. These expanded background checks close deadly loopholes in private transfers, online gun sales, and transactions at gun shows.

Brady Background Checks

Making Gun Violence Prevention a Top-Tier Issue


Gun violence is no longer a third-rail issue in politics. Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a Gallup poll found that 74 percent of respondents saw gun policy as very important to their vote, making it the third most important issue to voters.


Reducing the Number of Unlocked Guns in Homes


Today, 64% of Americans are subjected to safe storage laws, compared to 45% of Americans just a decade ago.

Decreasing Gun Homicide


Thirty-six states saw their gun homicide rate decrease from 2022-2023. States with the strongest gun laws saw some of the biggest decreases in gun homicides.

Annual Report FY 23 Digital Page 01
Here is just a glimpse of the life-saving impact we made in the past year.

Our Work is Saving Lives Every Day

Annual Report FY 23 Digital Page 01
Here is just a glimpse of the life-saving impact we made in the past year.

Five new legal cases filed. Over 800 billion impressions of our safe storage campaign. Four hundred Hollywood leaders taking action. A $144.5M settlement achieved with our help. Thirty-nine life-saving state bills passed.

And that's just in the past year alone.

Read more in our annual report

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